Yesterday, Gunung Agung on Bali started the eruption we have been waiting for more than 2 months. The volcano erupts an ash cloud that rises 4 km above the crater. The volcano alert level has been increased to red. The ash cloud obstructs air traffic and flights are canceled.
News about eruptions and volcanoes can be found in this category. It is updated frequently. Volcano expert and journalist Marc Szeglat reports live from his expeditions to volcanoes.
Video Karangetang 2015
In August 2015 I documented the eruption of the volcano Karangetang on Siau. These time lapse pictures of the glowing lava were taken.
Bardarbunga: activity remains high
Sakura-jima: activity elevated
JMA reported that nine explosions from Showa Crater at Sakurajima volcano ejected tephra as far as 1,300 m during last week. An explosive eruption on 7 November generated an ash plume that rose 3.5 km. An eruption later that day from Minami-Dake Crater produced a plume that rose 1.4 km. The Alert Level remained at 3. The Tokyo VAAC reported that during 5-8 November plumes rose to altitudes of 2.1-4.6 km.
Source: USGS / Smithsonian
Kilauea: Lava flow is still active
The June 27th lava flow remains active. The flow front is 14.9 km (9.3 miles) from the vent, and 170 m from the Kaohe Homesteads boundary. The actual length of the flow, measured along the lava tube is 17.1 km. Between September 10 and 12 the advance rate dropped to approximately 250 meters per day. The flow front is still in thick forest, creating smoke, but fires are not spreading away from the flow. (Source: HVO)