Nevados de Chillan (Chile) – Report for 10 July-16 July 2019

ONEMI and SERNAGEOMIN reported that an explosive event at Nevados de Chillán?s Nicanor Crater recorded at 0657 on 14 July was associated with a long-period earthquake signal. The explosion ejected incandescent material onto areas near the crater. The Alert Level remained at Orange, the second highest level on a four-color scale, and residents were reminded not to approach the crater within 3 km. ONEMI maintained an Alert Level Yellow (the middle level on a three-color scale) for the communities of Pinto, Coihueco, and San Fabián.

Sources: Oficina Nacional de Emergencia-Ministerio del Interior (ONEMI) ,Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería (SERNAGEOMIN)

Popocatepetl (Mexico) – Report for 10 July-16 July 2019

CENAPRED reported that each day during 9-15 July there were 49-326 steam-and-gas emissions from Popocatépetl, some of which contained minor amounts of ash. As many as three explosions per day were recorded, though weather conditions often prevented visual characterization of ash emissions. An explosion at 1949 on 11 July generated an ash plume that rose 2.8 km above the crater rim. The Alert Level remained at Yellow, Phase Two (middle level on a three-color scale).

Source: Centro Nacional de Prevencion de Desastres (CENAPRED)

Popocatepetl (Mexico) – Report for 10 July-16 July 2019

CENAPRED reported that each day during 9-15 July there were 49-326 steam-and-gas emissions from Popocatépetl, some of which contained minor amounts of ash. As many as three explosions per day were recorded, though weather conditions often prevented visual characterization of ash emissions. An explosion at 1949 on 11 July generated an ash plume that rose 2.8 km above the crater rim. The Alert Level remained at Yellow, Phase Two (middle level on a three-color scale).

Source: Centro Nacional de Prevencion de Desastres (CENAPRED)

Reventador (Ecuador) – Report for 10 July-16 July 2019

IG reported that during 10-16 July seismic data from Reventador?s network indicated a high level of seismic activity, including explosions, long-period earthquakes, harmonic tremor, and signals indicating emissions. Weather often prevented views of the summit area, although during clear conditions ash plumes were visible rising at least 600 m above the crater rim and drifting W and N. Blocks were observed rolling 500-600 m down the flanks on 10 and 16 July.

Source: Instituto Geofísico-Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG)

Reventador (Ecuador) – Report for 10 July-16 July 2019

IG reported that during 10-16 July seismic data from Reventador?s network indicated a high level of seismic activity, including explosions, long-period earthquakes, harmonic tremor, and signals indicating emissions. Weather often prevented views of the summit area, although during clear conditions ash plumes were visible rising at least 600 m above the crater rim and drifting W and N. Blocks were observed rolling 500-600 m down the flanks on 10 and 16 July.

Source: Instituto Geofísico-Escuela Politécnica Nacional (IG)

Sangeang Api (Indonesia) – Report for 10 July-16 July 2019

The Darwin VAAC reported that during 10-16 July ash plumes from Sangeang Api were visible in satellite images rising to 2.1-3 km (7,000-10,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifting in multiple directions. The Alert Level remained at 2 (on a scale of 1-4).

Source: Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC)

Semeru (Indonesia) – Report for 10 July-16 July 2019

The Darwin VAAC reported that on 10 July an ash plume from Semeru rose to an altitude of 4.3 km (14,000 ft) a.s.l. and drifted WNW based on satellite images and weather models. Ash plumes rose to 4 km (13,000 ft) a.s.l. on 13 July and drifted NW and W.

Source: Darwin Volcanic Ash Advisory Centre (VAAC)

Sheveluch (Russia) – Report for 10 July-16 July 2019

KVERT reported that a thermal anomaly over Sheveluch?s lava dome was identified daily in satellite images during 6-12 July. The Aviation Color Code remained at Orange (the second highest level on a four-color scale).

Source: Kamchatkan Volcanic Eruption Response Team (KVERT)

Villarrica (Chile) – Report for 10 July-16 July 2019

POVI reported that webcam images captured deposits of incandescent material on the flank 300 m from Villarrica?s summit crater in the morning of 15 July. Incandescent material from lava fountaining ejected above the crater rim was periodically visible on 16 July.

Source: Proyecto Observación Villarrica Internet (POVI)

Stromboli (Italy) with strong explosion

Update 21.00 pm: According to official information there was one death victim and one injured person. The tourists were climbing towards the crater and were hit by lava bombs. Glowing tephra set the vegetation near the coast on fire.

VAAC Toulouse meanwhile issued a VONA report on the height of the ash cloud: ash was detected at 9144 m altitude. Currently, strombolian eruptions and a short lava flow on the outer flank of the crater cone can be seen on the livecam. From the front of the lava flow glowing lava rocks roll over the Sciara.

The current eruption is comparable to the great eruption of 1930. At that time 6 people died and lava bombs fell in the village. It looks as if Ginostra only barely escaped a catastrophe this time. Photos show flames near buildings.

The eruption will certainly trigger new discussions about safety and volcanic tourism on Stromboli. I think for the next months it was the ascent to the crater. For the volcano guides and hoteliers it was a double catastrophe, especially so shortly before the main season. I wouldn’t be surprised if the ascent to the crater region remained permanently closed.

Update 18.00 pm: It was one of the strongest explosions on Stromboli I have been able to report in the last 20 years. From the picture above it can be deduced that an ash cloud was formed which rose at least 5 km above the crater. A pyroclastic current(?) was generated, which glided over the Sciara del Fuoco to the sea. It is also possible that part of the crater collapsed and large boulders slid over the Sciara, creating ash clouds from swirling material. The vegetation caught fire in places. If there were people on Pizzo above the crater, the chances of survival are poor. The eruption came almost without warning. However, on 26 June there was already a larger explosion than usual. In addition, the pause intervals of the normal strombolian eruptions shortened and the tremor increased slightly, as can be seen on the plot of the live data. A report from VAAC Toulouse is still pending.

Original message: At Stromboli (Italy) a larger eruption occurred this afternoon. The summit area is covered with hot tephra, which reaches far down the volcano flanks. From Sciara del Fuoco you can see ash flags rising up to the sea. Obviously, a lot of material has flowed down there. Steam also rises from the rear edge of the depression. A crevasse opening cannot be excluded. In the crater area one recognizes strong steam development. It is not yet clear whether persons were injured.