Off the coast of the US state of Alaska, the earth shook last night with a magnitude of 7.5, the epicenter being located 84 km southeast of Sand Point. This is a place on the Aleutian island of Unalaska. The hypocenter was at a depth of 40 km. Despite the relatively large depth of the earthquake epicenter there was a tsunami alarm. The same applies to larger damages. The region is only sparsely populated. In relative proximity to the location of the earthquake are some volcanoes that are classified as potentially active: Mount Makushin, Mount Okmok and the volcanic island of Bogoslof, to name only 3. The volcanism of the region is directly related to the Aleutian subduction zone where the earthquake occurred.
As is typical for earthquakes of this magnitude, there were numerous aftershocks. The strongest one had the magnitude 5.9 and further aftershocks must be expected.